Melbourne, VIC Australia |
615 St Kilda Rd | Australian AIDS Memorial Quilt - Melbourne |
since 1 December 1989 unknown |
On Monday 2 December, members of Peninsula Health’s Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex and Queer Community Advisory Group (GLBTIQ CAG) handed out Red Ribbons at Frankston Hospital to mark World AIDS Day 2013 – to raise awareness of HIV and to show their support for people living with HIV.
The Red Ribbon is the international symbol of HIV awareness and support. The global theme for World AIDS Day 2013 is Getting to Zero: Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS related deaths.
A large quilt made by family, friends and partners to celebrate the lives of the many Melbourne people who died of AIDS in the 1980s, 90s and early 2000s, was also on display in the foyer of Frankston Hospital. The quilt, along with two others currently on show in the Frankston Integrated Health Centre, will be featured in an exhibition of AIDS memorial quilts at Cube 37, Frankston from 13 January to 2 February 2014.
Noel Brown, a member of the GLBTIQ CAG and the Victorian Quilt Project Committee, explained the importance of the quilts.
“While they celebrate the lives of people who died of AIDS several decades ago, these memorial quilts are still relevant today,” he said. “We hope people will visit the exhibition at Cube 37 in January, look at the quilts, understand them, and take on board the message that they can take steps to reduce their risk of contracting HIV.”
Photo (c) Peninsula Health
2 December 2013
Peninsula Health, Melbourne