г. Нью-Йорк
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West 12th Street & Greenwich Ave. Мемориальный Нью-Йорк со СПИДом в Треугольнике Сент-Винсент с 1 декабрь 2016
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Installation of the New York City AIDS Memorial Begins
Construction of the New York City AIDS Memorial is now underway at the recently named New York City AIDS Memorial Park at St. Vincent’s Triangle by New York City Parks Department Commissioner Mitchell Silver. In his statement Commissioner Silver said, “The New York City AIDS Memorial Park at St. Vincent’s Triangle stands at the crossroads of the richly historical West Village. Here, we honor and celebrate St. Vincent’s Hospital’s more than 150 years of service to our city, as well as the countless New Yorkers impacted by AIDS: those we have lost, those who live with H.I.V./AIDS, and those who continue to battle against fear and ignorance.” “I am thrilled by the announcement of the naming of the New York City AIDS Memorial Park at St Vincent’s Triangle, in the center of the community that provided loving care and support to my friends as they died of AIDS and lead the response out of the shadows of stigma, death and despair – into the light of hope, effective treatment and an eventual return to a more normal life. The memorial park pays tribute to our brothers and sisters who died of this plague,” adds Eric Sawyer, founding member of ACT UP and co-founder of Housing Works Inc. and Civil Society Partnership Advisor UNAIDS.

25 июль 2016
FashionGayPhil2012, New York City