Londres, Inglaterra
Reino Unido
South Crescent & Store St. Memorial del VIH/Sida del Reino Unido desde 1 Diciembre 2027
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The London AIDS Memorial Campaign
Annie Lennox has added her support to The London AIDS Memorial Campaign to create a lasting memorial in London to remember those that have lost their lives to HIV/AIDS.
"Despite the fact that HIV/AIDS has been around for several decades, one of the biggest challenges is the all pervasive stigma which still continues to keep the issue shrouded in secrecy, ignorance, fear and shame, whether you live in Camaroon or Camden.
An AIDS memorial in the heart of London would set a wonderful example to other cities, and send out a powerful statement to the world, not only by acknowledging those who have been taken in the pandemic, but would also call attention to the fact that HIV/AIDS has not gone away, and is still devastating millions of people’s lives… potentially our sons, daughters, brothers and sisters. I wholeheartedly endorse this proposal”
Annie Lennox / HIV Ambassador for London 

28 Septiembre 2011
Annie Lennox, London