Dartmouth, Halifax, NS
Canadian Blood Services Processing Centre Gedenkbaum an die Kontaminiertes Blut-Tragödie Nova Scotia seit 28 Oktober 2016
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CHS Nova Scotia Chapter – Commemoration 2016
Nova Scotia chapter held a commemorative event on October 28 and a tree was planted at the entrance of the Dartmouth CBS building along with a plaque. Both Past Health Minister, George Moody, and Current Health Minister Leo Glavine attended and spoke.
Photos © NS Chapter of the Canadian Hemophilia Society

The plaque reads:

of the Tainted Blood

"This plaque honours the memory of our loved ones who died
as a result of the tainted blood tragedy, acknowledges the struggles
of those who survive, and encourages us to remain committed to
the safety of Canada's blood system"
Dedicated this 28th day of October, 2016 by the
NS Chapter of the Canadian Hemophilia Society

28 Oktober 2016
NS Chapter of the Canadian Hemophilia Society, Halifax