Chatham-Kent, ON
McNaughton Avenue Public School school yard Gedenkbaum der Kontaminiertes Blut-Tragödie Ontario SW3 seit 27 Oktober 2011
ohne Namen
On Thursday October 27, 2011 South Western Ontario Region of Hemophilia Ontario planted its third tree of life in Chatham Ontario as part of the memorial forest across the country and in commemoration of the tainted blood tragedy.
We were honoured by McNaughton Avenue Public School entire staff and students participation in our planting ceremony. Aidan Catton, a student at the school, was joined by his extended family and Matthew Maynard, SWOR regional service coordinator, to remember, honour and celebrate those impacted in the local and hemophilia community by the tainted blood tragedy.
[No photo available] Hemophilia Ontario
Current photo: Google Satellite, screenshot taken 13 June 2020 [Position of tree denoted by a question mark].

27 Oktober 2011
Hemophilia Ontario South Western Ontario Region, London, ON