Литл-Рок, Арканза́с Соединенные Штаты |
MacArthur Park, NW of Foster Pond | Мемориал СПИДа в Литл-Роке |
с 1 декабрь 1996 без имен |
AIDS Memorial
Just Northwest of the Foster Pond is the AIDS Memorial. Its purpose is to honor the lives of people who have died due to AIDS and to keep the public aware of the disease's continuing and increasing presence in Arkansas.
Photo © MacArthur Park Group
[date of photo is an estimation]
1 декабрь 2010
MacArthur Park, Little Rock, AR
Just Northwest of the Foster Pond is the AIDS Memorial. Its purpose is to honor the lives of people who have died due to AIDS and to keep the public aware of the disease's continuing and increasing presence in Arkansas.
Photo © MacArthur Park Group
[date of photo is an estimation]
1 декабрь 2010
MacArthur Park, Little Rock, AR