Murcia, Regio Murcia
Jardin de la Constitución Espanola Gedenkteken voor de Aids Slachtoffers in de Regio Murcia sinds 1 December 2008
zonder namen
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We think that the Memorial for AIDS Victims in the Region of Murcia has been inaugurated at least as early as 1 December 2012. An exact date could not be determined, yet.
The text reads:

Ya me pierdo           [I am alreday lost
ya no soy nadie          I am nobody anymore
sin darme cuenta         without noticing
de que el vacío           that the emptiness
y el silencio             and the silence
son, a menudo,           are often
los síntomas             the symptoms
de la verdadera           of the true
plenitud                 fullness]

Memorial a las victimas
del SIDA

Asociación Vihsibles