Веллингтон Новая Зеландия |
Te Papa National Museum of New Zealand | Новозеландский СПИД Мемориал Квилт |
с 1 декабрь 1988 212 имена |
Official gifting of the Quilt to Te Papa national museum of New Zealand in Wellington held 3 May 2012.
A selection of photos shows Michael Bancroft - Guardian of the Quilt, Kevin Jensen - creator of the quilt website, Megan Butcher and Nicki Eddy whose brother Robin died of AIDS, and Stephanie Gibson - History Curator. Photos © Gareth Watkins PrideNZ.com
3 май 2012
Dame Claudia Orange, Wellington
A selection of photos shows Michael Bancroft - Guardian of the Quilt, Kevin Jensen - creator of the quilt website, Megan Butcher and Nicki Eddy whose brother Robin died of AIDS, and Stephanie Gibson - History Curator. Photos © Gareth Watkins PrideNZ.com
3 май 2012
Dame Claudia Orange, Wellington