Deutsches Medizin-historisches Museum La colcha Conmemorativa del Sida Neerlandesa - bloque 21 desde 28 Mayo 2021
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In the course of musealization of the Dutch AIDS Memorial Quilt, the German Museum of Medical History in Ingolstadt has acquired a quilt block with international connections: The panel for Charun Palkrasai shows a lotus flower as a symbol of Buddhism and the country he came from, a deaf-mute gay man from Thailand who was illiterate and knew no official sign language. Ofra Haza was an internationally renowned Israeli singer. Kees Rademaker was a visual artist and Douwe Elsinga was a floral artist. In addition, the eight panels show a high variety of materials and styles - from embroidery to inclusion of playing cards, and for the panel for Henk Vlieghuis, the manufacturers used his photo in grayscale. That is why this quilt block was dedicated to all artists.
Block 21 was sent to the German Museum of Medical History on May 28, 2021.

Deutsches Medizinhistorisches Museum