Берлин Германия |
Kleiststr./ Martin-Luther-Str. | Международная Стелла против Забвения |
с 30 ноябрь 2010 без имен |
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On a 1 December in the 90s, several businessmen and private individuals placed a red ribbon on An der Urania street in Berlin, in order to draw attention to the horrific figures of HIV-related deaths amongst friends, acquaintances and colleagues. Thereafter, the red ribbon gradually became the main symbol of the remembrance parade which takes place on World AIDS Day.After the location fell into disrepair, the city of Berlin granted the Berlinpositiv organisation the right to maintain the site in 2005. Friends and helpers of the organisation replanted the area and have been taking care of it ever since. On Christopher Street Day and World AIDS Day, wreaths are laid.
Upon the initiative of Roger Kilian, the chairman of Berlinpositiv, whose idea it was to enhance the status of the site and thereby give a new framework to the acts of mourning, awakening and remembrance, the memorial Always Remember was conceived. Its aim is to remind people that HIV is omnipresent within our society and can infect everyone regardless of their sexual orientation, religion or ethnic background.
We also want this symbol of remembrance to make people aware of those who have previously lost the fight against HIV and Aids, hepatitis B, C and other infectious diseases.
The International Stele Always Remember in Berlin-Schöneberg was designed by the sculptor and stonemason Bernhard Keller and inaugurated on 30 November 2010, the eve of World Aids Day. The front of the monument features the words “Always Remember“ in 22 languages, whilst the other sides acknowledge all of the sponsors and donors.
The former red ribbon was conserved and remains next to the memorial.
The Stele will remind us, both now and in the future, of those who have lost the fight against HIV or Hepatitis, but also serves as a reminder not to underestimate the risk of infection and to protect oneself.
Nothing is worse than not remembering!
berlinpositiv e.V.