San Francisco, CA Verenigde Staten |
Golden Gate Park, west of intersection Bowling Green and Middle Drive East | Nationaal Aids Memorial Bos |
sinds 30 November 1991 onbekend |
I completed a magnificent, thoughtful retreat at MCCSF this past weekend, and felt rather introspective on Sunday, so I decided to walk beneath the beautiful sunshine to one of my favorite places in Golden Gate Park: the National AIDS Memorial Grove.
Beneath the new, green leaves of the Japanese Maples, sunshine filtered in spots of kinetic, dappled light — and the light breeze which caused some of my pictures to be fuzzy, belied instead the cool, quiet rush of rustling sound through the grove. Countless fat bumblebees bounced between the open blooms of purple blossoms, nuzzling the sweet lips of mature spring. A round, happy sparrow dropped suddenly from the dark boughs beside me, unafraid, while I caught my breath and my emotions on a dirt path between a line of trees. There’s something about that place… I am always moved whenever I am there. Photos © Bonny Bluffs
11 Mei 2009
Bonny Bluffs,
Beneath the new, green leaves of the Japanese Maples, sunshine filtered in spots of kinetic, dappled light — and the light breeze which caused some of my pictures to be fuzzy, belied instead the cool, quiet rush of rustling sound through the grove. Countless fat bumblebees bounced between the open blooms of purple blossoms, nuzzling the sweet lips of mature spring. A round, happy sparrow dropped suddenly from the dark boughs beside me, unafraid, while I caught my breath and my emotions on a dirt path between a line of trees. There’s something about that place… I am always moved whenever I am there. Photos © Bonny Bluffs
11 Mei 2009
Bonny Bluffs,