Тель Авив
18 HaNatziv Израильский СПИД Мемориал Квилт с 1 декабрь 1990
Quilt Block #1
A   C D
E F G  

A  Israel's Diverse Population

For an Anonymous Arab Israeli
made by a resident of Nazareth for a friend.

C  To Remember Israelis from Haifa

Friends of the Israeli AIDS Task Force (IATF)

To Remember Members of the PWA/HIV+ Support Group
(affiliate of the IATF)

Jack Bier
Volunteer from the United States who joined volunteers for the 1990 Names Project Israel Tour. Jack was active with the Names Project and other AIDS service organizations in New Jersey.

G  For The Unknown Israelis
made in Tel Aviv to remember those who do not have a panel made for them.

H  Maxim Said 1934-1988
made by his nephew in Tel Aviv. Panel colors reflect Maxim's Sephardic origins.

1 январь 2000
HaShemot, Tel Aviv