San Francisco, CA Estados Unidos |
1100 California Street, main floor lobby of the north tower | Capilla Interconfesional del Sida en la Catedral de la Gracia |
desde 1 Diciembre 1995 sin nombres |
AIDS Interfaith Memorial Chapel Grace Cathedral - San Francisco CA USA 2010
The Singing Tower Doors, Symbols of the major religions from top to bottom; Islam, Chistianity, Taoism, Native American/Indigenous Spirituality, Shintoism, and Keith Haring's triptych.
Photos © Moocha flickr
7 Julio 2010
Moocha, San Francisco, CA
The Singing Tower Doors, Symbols of the major religions from top to bottom; Islam, Chistianity, Taoism, Native American/Indigenous Spirituality, Shintoism, and Keith Haring's triptych.
Photos © Moocha flickr
7 Julio 2010
Moocha, San Francisco, CA