Hong Kong Chine |
Kowloon Park | Mémorial du Sida de Hong Kong |
depuis 1 Décembre 1997 sans noms |
Theme of World AIDS Campaign 1997: Children living in a World with AIDS
A twin-ribbon bronze sculpture in the form of a heart, was erected on 1 December which commemorated the Hong Kong Project of World AIDS Campaign 1997. The sculpture binds us together to stop the relentless spread of HIV/AIDS. Photo © Red Ribbon Centre
1 Décembre 1997
Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong
A twin-ribbon bronze sculpture in the form of a heart, was erected on 1 December which commemorated the Hong Kong Project of World AIDS Campaign 1997. The sculpture binds us together to stop the relentless spread of HIV/AIDS. Photo © Red Ribbon Centre
1 Décembre 1997
Red Ribbon Centre, Hong Kong