L.G. Smith Boulevard west of Valero gas station 阿鲁巴红丝带 自 29 June 2011
Women's Club of Aruba commemorates its AIDS awareness campaign efforts
The Women's Club of Aruba unveiled a huge Red Ribbon sculpture symbolizing the fight against AIDS. The ribbon has been strategically placed on a high visibility area on the LG. Smith Boulevard near the Valero gas station. With this ribbon the Women's Club of Aruba wants to commemorate its AIDS awareness campaign efforts which started in Aruba 25 years ago.
With this sculpture the club would also like to remind the public of the victims of this disease as the ribbon is aimed at creating awareness and promote prevention by grabbing the attention of passing traffic. The sculpture was created and donated by Jan van Duren of Pro Paint van Duren.
Photo © Woman's Club of Aruba Caribmedia

29 June 2011
Caribmedia, Oranjestad