New York, NY Verenigde Staten |
1047 Amsterdam Ave., Medical Bay of nave | Nationaal Aids Memorial in de Kathedraal St. John the Devine |
sinds 9 November 1985 onbekend |
National AIDS Memorial & Keith Haring Altar
The National AIDS Memorial Book of Remembrance is kept in the Medical Bay of the Cathedral. The Memorial is a source of solace and strength to those who have lost friends and loved ones to AIDS. The Memorial honors the dead and serves the living by: inscribing the names of people who have died of HIV-related conditions; maintaining a permanent memorial in a spiritual setting where people can reach out, even to those who have gone before; giving financial aid and other assistance to promote AIDS service, education, and pastoral care.The National AIDS Memorial, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation. It is overseen by a board of directors drawn from the Episcopal Diocese of New York, Integrity/New York, and the communities that have been affected by AIDS.
Completed in 1904 by Heinz and Lafarge, the Chapel of St. Savior stood alone for several years as the first completed portion of the immense Cathedral. The chapel is dedicated to the Christian communities of the East. Gradually, it came to focus on the art and architecture of the Orthodox churches. Completed just one month before he died of AIDS on February 16, 1990, the altarpiece is a massive three-panel bronze work finished in white gold-leaf that depicts scenes from the life of Christ -- a baby held in a pair of hands, hands ascending toward heaven, and Christ on the cross. Executed in Haring's trademark childlike style, the altarpiece was created with a special looped knife and is Haring's only religious work. It measures 5 feet by 8 feet, weighs just under 600 pounds, and is in the form of a large Russian icon.
Photos © The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Artists with AIDS
15 December 1998
The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, Morningside Heights, Manhattan, New York City
The National AIDS Memorial Book of Remembrance is kept in the Medical Bay of the Cathedral. The Memorial is a source of solace and strength to those who have lost friends and loved ones to AIDS. The Memorial honors the dead and serves the living by: inscribing the names of people who have died of HIV-related conditions; maintaining a permanent memorial in a spiritual setting where people can reach out, even to those who have gone before; giving financial aid and other assistance to promote AIDS service, education, and pastoral care.The National AIDS Memorial, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation. It is overseen by a board of directors drawn from the Episcopal Diocese of New York, Integrity/New York, and the communities that have been affected by AIDS.
Completed in 1904 by Heinz and Lafarge, the Chapel of St. Savior stood alone for several years as the first completed portion of the immense Cathedral. The chapel is dedicated to the Christian communities of the East. Gradually, it came to focus on the art and architecture of the Orthodox churches. Completed just one month before he died of AIDS on February 16, 1990, the altarpiece is a massive three-panel bronze work finished in white gold-leaf that depicts scenes from the life of Christ -- a baby held in a pair of hands, hands ascending toward heaven, and Christ on the cross. Executed in Haring's trademark childlike style, the altarpiece was created with a special looped knife and is Haring's only religious work. It measures 5 feet by 8 feet, weighs just under 600 pounds, and is in the form of a large Russian icon.
Photos © The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine Artists with AIDS
15 December 1998
The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine, Morningside Heights, Manhattan, New York City