Berlín Alemania |
Kleiststr./ Martin-Luther-Str. | Estela Internacional Contra el Olvido |
desde 30 Noviembre 2010 sin nombres |
You can't miss it, if you walk from U-Bahnhof Wittenbergplatz to U-Bahnhof Nollendorfplatz: on a grassy island at the intersection with Martin-Luther-Straße: it breathes the air of a grave monument. On the ground plate, people place white stones (laying around the plate) to remember a loved one. I put a stone for my longtime companion Erwin Matalla with whom I spent 5 exciting years in Berlin from 1983 to 1988.
I got a bit puzzled by the many logos of the sponsors on the side of the stele. The spot is absolutely terrific because lots of people pass by, any kind of people: gays and lesbians, Berliners and tourists. I watched many of them suddenly halting their movement and becoming curious.
The ground plate has two inscriptions, the upper one reads:
...somewhere over the rainbow...
...wenn ich die Augen schliess, dann seh ich dich...
The lower one reads:
Stirbt ein Elternteil, so stirbt die Vergangenheit,
stirbt ein Partner, so stirbt die Gegenwart,
stirbt ein Kind, so stirbt die Zukunft.
29 Mayo 2011
Jörn Wolters, Amsterdam