Gothenburg Sweden |
Världskulturmuseet, Södra Vägen 54 | Swedish AIDS Memorial Quilt |
since 1 December 1989 27 names |
In June 1988, the IVth International AIDS Conference took place in Stockholm. Besides people with HIV and AIDS, the NAMES Project from San Francisco was invited to give AIDS a face, and Cleve Jones and Gart Zeebregts exhibited parts of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. Inspired by the power of the Quilt, Kicki Walmo and Peder Ahlin started the NAMES Project Sverige presenting the first Swedish panels on World AIDS Day 1989. For the International Quilt exhibition in Washington in 1996, two quilt blocks made up of eight panels each travelled overseas. The remaining 11 panels were kept as loose panels, the last one completed in 1997. From 27 December 2004 to 18 June 2007, the Världskulturmuseet/Museum of World Culture in Göteborg showcased one Swedish quilt block together with one from the Philippines as part of an exhibition No Name Fever - Aids in the Age of Globalization. Enhanced with African objects, the exhibition was also shown in the Red Location Museum in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, for nearly twelve months 2007-2008. In 2010, the NAMES Project Sverige and Noaks Ark Foundation donated the Swedish AIDS Memorial Quilt to the Världskulturmuseum in Göteborg. [preliminary text]