London, England United Kingdom |
South Crescent & Store St. | UK HIV/AIDS Memorial |
since 1 December 2027 without names |
HIV/AIDS disproportionally affected gay men but also new African communities; people with haemophilia; prisoners and injecting drug users. It influenced the whole nation by forcing us to confront deep rooted prejudices and ask questions about equality, difference, religion, morality and identity which hit at the very core of our values as a people and as a nation.
There is currently no memorial to those who died in London in contrast to most other major cities affected including Amsterdam, Auckland, Barcelona, Berlin, Brighton, Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Dublin, Edinburgh, Hong Kong, Johannesburg, Kiev, LA, Madrid, Manchester, Melbourne, Montreal, Moscow, Munich, NYC, Paris, San Francisco, San Salvador, Sydney, Toronto, Vienna and Zurich.
We want the Mayor of London to support our campaign for a national memorial in the city, by meeting with campaigners and helping in practical ways to find a location, funding and wider support.
Why Now?
1) 2017 is the 50th Anniversary of the passing of the Sexual Offences Act 1967 which partly decriminalised sexual acts between two men in private and aged over 21.
2) 2016 is the 20th anniversary since the widespread use of the life-saving anti-retroviral therapy that arrested the number of deaths and literally, allowed for a new awakening.
3) New communities are examining and documenting their unique histories for future generations to make more sense of their own lives and to make secure as well as more grounded, their identities and narratives.
The National AIDS Memorial in London aims:
• To pay tribute to the men, women and children who died in the UK
• To remember the struggles of those living with HIV as well as those who took on the challenge to treat, support and campaign for those who were affected by AIDS.
• To acknowledge an almost forgotten period in British history
• To form a linear historical path between the past, the present and the future for all the communities in the UK who bore the brunt of the epidemic.
• To remember those worldwide who perished and who continue to live with HIV, the majority of whom still cannot access treatment
This campaign is being led by GMFA (Gay Men Fighting AIDS), in conjunction with the UK HIV sector. @AidsMemoryUK; #AidsMemoryUK
Update: This petition was delivered by Sian Berry, Member of the London Assembly for the Green Party (London-wide) last December. On 8th February 2017 members of the London Assembly will present a Motion asking the Mayor to petition Parliament on our behalf as this is a National Memorial. We already have support from some MPs and Lords.
AIDS Memory UK