Wuppertal Germany |
Willy-Brandt-Platz/ Kleine Klotzbahn | Names and Stones - Open Square II |
since 31 October 1997 41 names |
The „Names and Stones“ in Wuppertal are located at Willy-Brandt Platz in the city center of Elberfeld. The stones are part of the pedestrian zone. The Wuppertal installation is called „Offenes Quadrat II“ (Open Square II) and measures 250 x 250 cm. When AIDS-Hilfe Wuppertal celebrated it’s 10th anniversary in 1997, the organization applied at the city government to find a place for “Names and Stones”. Under the patronage of mayor Dr. Hans Kremendahl and with great support of the urban administration finally the installation was dedicated to the public on 31.10.1997 reminding the names of 37 men and women who died on Aids in Wuppertal and the surrounding region Bergisches Land. That day in a commemoration ceremony the last two stones were enchased to the field by the mayor together with a family member of one of the dead. More than 40 private men and businessmen supported the project by donations and volunteerly work. In October 2000 another 4 stones were added to the “Offenes Quadrat II”. Especially at World AIDS Day on December 1st there are commemoration ceremonies at the place of “Names and Stones”. Photo © Jörg Lange
AIDS-Hilfe Wuppertal e.V.
AIDS-Hilfe Wuppertal e.V.