Cape Town South Africa |
Plumstead | South African AIDS Memorial Quilt |
since 30 September 1989 80 names |
The South African AIDS Memorial Quilt was started in Cape Town in September 1989 by Carroll Jacobs, an affilliate of the NAMES Project Foundation. This Quilt includes over 80 panels. There have also been other Quilt initiatives in our country.
The Beyond Awareness Campaign, a project of the HIV/AIDS and STD Directorate of the Department of Health, has recognised the potential and power of the Quilt and is committed to making the AIDS Memorial Quilt a national project.
In Cape Town, a patchwork panel, which includes Zulu beadwork, was made by staff at the AIDS Training, Information and Counselling Centre, to remember those who have died.
Western Cape AIDS Training, Information and Counselling Centre (ATICC)
The Beyond Awareness Campaign, a project of the HIV/AIDS and STD Directorate of the Department of Health, has recognised the potential and power of the Quilt and is committed to making the AIDS Memorial Quilt a national project.
In Cape Town, a patchwork panel, which includes Zulu beadwork, was made by staff at the AIDS Training, Information and Counselling Centre, to remember those who have died.
Western Cape AIDS Training, Information and Counselling Centre (ATICC)